Language Selector

What language do you speak?

Learn a New Language with AI-Powered Tutoring

Personalized, interactive and fun with AI

Choose your language

Select from a variety of popular languages to get started

Take lessons and tests

Learn through interactive lessons and quizzes designed for your level

Converse with an AI tutor

Practice your skills with real-time conversations powered by AI

For Students

  • Instant support:
    Get on-demand help from AI tutors anytime, anywhere.
  • Personalized learning:
    AI tutors adapt to your style for easier understanding.
  • Better grades:
    Master the material and improve your academic performance.
Students Video

For Parents

  • Flexible learning:
    Your child can access AI tutoring at anytime and anywhere.
  • Cost-effective tutoring:
    High-quality tutoring at a fraction of the cost of traditional tutors.
  • Progress monitoring:
    Track your child’s learning and progress with detailed reports.
VizaLearn for Parents

For Tutors

  • Share & earn:
    Train AI tutors and receive a revenue share when they are used.
  • Passive income:
    Create a sustainable income stream by helping students globally.
  • Expand your reach:
    Make your teaching accessible to a wider audience.
Tutors Video



What languages are available?

We offer a dozen of the most popular languages, including English, Spanish, French, Mandarin and more.

How much does it cost?

The first three levels of any language are free. After that, a $5 per month subscription unlocks unlimited access to all languages and levels.

What can the AI Tutor do?

You can have a conversation with your AI Tutor, in your native language or the language you are learning. The AI adjusts to your stage and level.

How does AI Tutor time work?

AI Tutor time can be purchased separately. You only pay for what you use, and your minutes can be used anytime within a year of purchase.

Does the AI Tutor help with pronunciation?

The AI Tutor listens to your spoken language and provides real-time feedback on pronunciation. It also analyzes your sentence structure and grammar, offering corrections and explanations to help you improve.


How do I apply to be a Tutor?

First, register as a user. Then, visit to submit your application. Provide background about yourself and qualifications to teach the course.

How much can I earn?

You earn 20% of the revenue from AI Tutor minutes purchased by students who use your AI.

When and how do I get paid?

Payments are made monthly via PayPal when your balance exceeds $100 USD.

Can I teach multiple courses?

Each tutor can apply to teach one course, allowing for focused expertise.

How easy is it to train the AI?

We've made it simple! Our intuitive interface allows you to easily customize your AI Tutor's teaching style.